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Falls Church is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, rooted in the Word of God and committed to faithfully preaching Christ. Located in Menomonee Falls, WI, Falls Church is Reformed in nature, holding to the teaching of salvation by grace alone through faith. A fuller expression of our church beliefs can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Catechism. Come visit Falls Church in Menomonee Falls this Sunday.
Adult Christian Education
Sunday, September 8 at 9:30 AM
Topic: The Psalms
Located in the Worship Hall
Youth Christian Education
Sunday, September 8 at 9:30 AM
Located on the Lower Level
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday, September 8 at 10:45 AM
The Resurrection Bond
1 Corinthians 16:12-24
Sunday Evening Worship
Sunday, September 8 at 6:00 PM
Our King Was Disowned
Mark 14:66-72
We are a local church in Menomonee Falls that has been here for fifty of the 125 years that the village of Menomonee Falls has been here! In the year 1967, we became the Presbyterian church, glad to be a local church in Menomonee Falls. We are located on Pilgrim Road just North of Good Hope Road, the same location we have always had, once we got going.
The nearby waterfall, after which the village and the church are named, presents a double picture of our long-time stability here, yet our freshness and power as a church in the local community. We stand on the Bible, and we see the river of life flowing out into our lives and those around us.
If you live in the area, maybe you have asked yourself, “Are there any churches near me that believe the Bible anymore?” Or, you may say, “I grew up Presbyterian; is there a Presbyterian church in the area?” We are glad to say that we are a Bible-believing church that is also a Presbyterian Church. Of the local churches here, we believe we are among the most conservative. We stay close to the Bible’s teaching. Come on over and check us out.
Falls Church is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. That means, we are rooted in the Word of God and committed to faithfully preaching Christ. We preach the gospel of grace. Located in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, within Waukesha County, gives us many opportunities.
We are Reformed in teachings, which means we are historic in our beliefs, dating all the way back to the Reformation in 1500s in Europe. We hold to the teachings of grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone, from Scripture alone, to the glory of God alone. A fuller expression of our church’s beliefs can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
We are a loving church family. We care for each other, both families and individuals, everyone from newborns to elderly. We share with each other our prayers, meals, fellowship, Bible study, youth ministry, children’s ministry, and other activities.
We have had people searching for us. One man told us, “I wanted to find churches near me in Menomonee Falls. I am so glad that I found you!” One woman told us that her goal was to find a Menomonee Falls Church. Many people are hoping that there would be a Presbyterian church in Menomonee Falls. We are glad when we meet such people, and we welcome them with open arms.
As a part of the community, we are located right within the community heart. Our people use the library. Our members are members of the YMCA and other community centers. We enjoy clubs such as soccer and little league nearby. Many of our church members live in Menomonee Falls, which makes it seem like we are a Menomonee Falls Church. We are glad to be here. Come on over!