We are a church family! The Bible uses family words for Christians to relate, such as brother and sister, and so we view our relationships that way. Our central family event is to worship God our Father at two worship services each Sunday. Because the Lord’s Day is a gift from God our Father, we get to begin and end the day as the family of God, hearing from our Father in Heaven by His Word.
Our Vision
We long to see Christ’s many gifts and blessings accessed more consistently by us, and by more people. God deserves worship from everyone, and we all need His daily mercies. There is plenty to go around, of the riches of Christ!
Our Purpose
Every day of the week, we seek to live out the grace and truth we receive on Sundays. What fuels everything we do is the gospel – the saving, transforming power of Christ Himself, who died for our sins and rose again in victory. We exist to worship Christ, and invite others to join us in praising Him.