Our greatest problem is sin handed down to us from Adam, and then we each added our own personal sins which made things worse. God’s consequence for sin is serious – His wrath and curse leading to death. We need rescue from sin and death. The only rescue is given by Christ Jesus, when God the Father sent His Son to save His people. Through God’s gift of faith in Christ crucified, we are forgiven by God. Because of Christ’s resurrection power, we are enabled by His Spirit to turn from sin and to live a holy life.
Our Beliefs
- We believe that our one aim in life and death is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever, and that God teaches us how to do this in His eternal Word, the Bible.
- We believe the system of teaching taught in the Westminster Confession of Faith, Larger and Shorter Catechisms, sometimes called the Reformed faith.
- We believe The Bible has no errors, and in it God tells us what to believe and how to live a godly life.
- We believe that there is only one living and true God, and yet He is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe God created everything and sustains it now.
- We believe that in the first sin of our first ancestor, Adam, we fell into sin with all human beings, making us all guilty before God.
- We believe that we cannot save ourselves by any decision of ours or any other means, but rather that God loved us and saved us through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit of God applies to us the work that Jesus accomplished on the cross to save us, and that the Holy Spirit now dwells in us.
- We believe that the church is essential.
- We believe that Jesus will be coming again in glory to judge the world and to take us home to live with God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit, forever in heaven.
We believe, as stated in the Heidelberg Catechism, Question 1:
What is your only comfort in life and in death?
Answer: That I, with body and soul, both in life and in death, am not my own, but belong to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ, who with His precious blood has fully satisfied for all my sins, and redeemed me from all the power of the devil; and so preserves me that without the will of my Father in heaven not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, that all things must work together for my salvation. Wherefore, by His Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life, and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live unto Him.